
Monday, August 26, 2013

DIY spur gear making for change gear part 1

Before it i'm so sory about my bad english, there is translating from my dictate in indonesian to english

Update 26 August 2013

Spur gears

In the manufacture of gears, a few dimensions of the gears to be made must be understood first through working drawings. For the manufacture of gears Spur there is to know such as the number of teeth (z), the size of the module (m), so the number of tooth and module size can be determined diameter heads (Dk), a high tooth (h) and the width of a few tooth (Wk) which obtained through calculation. Diameter of heads is needed when turning diameter, height and width of a few tooth tooth is necessary when the tooth forming in the milling machine. Here is the sequence of the process of making Spur gears.

1. Prepare working drawings.
Working drawings are very important in the manufacture of a product in this gear, because without a picture of the operator is not able to work on any one product. In working drawings contain some important information such as the dimensions of the product, the product fineness demands and other information. Working drawings in manufacturing gears Spur contains a few dimensions of gear that madesuch as number of teeth, module, heads diameter, thick tooth, tooth height and width of a few tooth.

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